SEND Offer

Frenchay Primary School prides ourselves on being an inclusive school. We value the contribution that every child and young person can make to the community and welcomes the diversity of culture, religion and intellectual style. The school seeks to raise the achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access for all its pupils.  

All children and young people with SEND are valued, respected and are equal members of the school. As such, provision for pupils with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole.  All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEND.  The governing body, Headteacher, SENCO and all other members of staff have important responsibilities.

Frenchay Primary School also recognises that pupil performance and well-being are synonymous.  Children cannot learn if they do not feel safe or if health problems create barriers to learning.  

Work in all aspects of the curriculum can be differentiated to suit the needs and ability of the children. Differentiation can take many forms and arrangements are made to cater for those children with specific learning difficulties, or those who are more able and need challenges. Targets are set for all children to encourage them to extend themselves.

Any parents who are concerned about their child’s progress should make an appointment to speak to the class teacher and/or the SENCO. There is also a Governor with designated responsibility for special educational needs, Mrs Shirley Allingham. A copy of the Special Needs and Disability Policy is available on the ‘Policies’ section of the website or from the school office.


Please find below the direct link to the South Gloucestershire Council’s SEN page 'The South Glos Way Inclusion Toolkit.'

Please find information below for a group called: Supportive Parents.

Who are a charity who provide information, advice and support to parents, children and young people about special educational needs or disability in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire.

Supportive Parents

A statutory requirement of the 2014 SEND Code of Practice is for the LA (Local Authority) to outline to parents/carers what services are available and what support they can expect from a range of local agencies, including from the local authority, health services, schools, leisure services and the voluntary sector to support children with SEN/D. (Special Educational Needs/Disability.)

Jigsaw Thornbury SEND support group: Supporting families who have children with any additional needs or disabilities.  We make everyone feel that they fit in, no matter what.Jigsaw Logo for website | Jigsaw Thornbury
Mrs Vicky Nichols


To contact our SENDCO, please phone 01454 511004 or email

Mrs Nichols works with us every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Believe, Belong, Become
Taken from Hebrews 10:24-25
‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds’