Our Vision & Values

Our Vision is:
Believe, Belong, Become 
Taken from Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds’
Our core belief is that there are no limits to how much our children can achieve as we believe anything is possible. Through the Christian foundation of our school, twinned with a focus on the our Christian values, our children thrive in an environment and a community where they belong, they learn to be the best person they can become.
Through our holistic, child centred approach we are inspired by God’s love for us, we are a vibrant learning community who value history, empower all and work together to create limitless opportunities and lifelong learners.

What does this mean in practise? We aim to:
  • Create lifelong learners who always challenge themselves and aspire to know more.
  • As a vibrant learning community in which we ‘belong’, we are ambassadors within our community at all levels, locally, nationally and globally. We ensure we are positive role models in all we do.
  • By valuing history (both local and world wide) we learn to reflect and evaluate in order to inform our future.
  • By empowering all we build our resilience. This enables us to try new things, to try again when we don’t succeed and learn from our mistakes in order for us to ‘become’.
Our vision encompasses all that we are and all that we want to be. Our future is going to change as we grow, as we welcome new pupils, parents, governors and staff. The strength of our community combined with our vision and values will enable us all to: 
  • Believe in each other, faith, our community, our families and friends
  • Belong to our community, our school, our families and faiths
  • Become the best we can be. 
The Church and Schools Partnership Award
We have been awarded The Church and Schools Partnership Award in recognition of our work with various Churches and groups in the local area. Please take a look at the activities, support and guidance we have given each other in our slide show below. 
Our Values

Koinonia/ community
When each member of Frenchay Primary joins us they select a pebble to place in our koinonia bowl. We celebrate how each pebble is different, special and unique, each is a different colour, size, with different strengths and flaws. Each of these pebbles are a symbol of each member of our community. Individually we bring much greatness to the school, together our bowl represents our strength of combined skills, our support of each other to spur one another one to achieve good deeds. (Hebrews 10: 24:25) 

As part of our vision, to spur one another on, we talk about the importance of support and encouragement to be as successful as we can be, linking to Corinthians 12: 24 -26. 
'But God has combined the members of the body... so that there should be no division in the body, but that it's parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.' Corinthians 12: 24-26.
Our OFSTED 2019 Report recognised the value we place on this in our inspection. It stated -
'You place a strong emphasis on the importance of community across the school, particularly as you prepare pupils for the transition to a larger school. The school’s ‘koinonia’ approach is at the heart of the school. ‘Koinonia’, meaning ‘a gift jointly contributed’, captures how every pupil and member of staff contributes to the school.'

Believe, Belong, Become
Taken from Hebrews 10:24-25
‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds’