Admission Arrangements

Looking for a place for your child to attend at Frenchay Primary. We currently have a small number of places in Key Stage 2 classes. Please contact either the school or admissions for more information. 
South Gloucestershire Local Authority (LA) determines the school’s admission policy. The LA operates a ‘rising fives’ policy which means that children who are 4 by 31st August generally start school in September of that year. The age for compulsory education is the term after a child’s 5th birthday. In September before your child starts school, the LA application form can be accessed online or from the local pre-schools and libraries. This application should be completed and returned to South Gloucestershire promptly. Parents are notified whether a place is available later in April the following year. A New Parents’ Meeting is held during the summer term when admission arrangements are discussed.

If you move into the area during the school year, please apply directly to the LA admissions department (01454 868008) for an application form. The local authority manages all applications and will advise you on the availability of spaces. If you wish to enrol your child here, please contact us to arrange a visit so that we can show you around and arrange a suitable time for your child to visit. Once they have started at Frenchay C of E Primary School, staff will support them so that they settle as quickly as possible. 

Standard Number

The standard number for Frenchay is 30 per year group making 210 pupils in the school. 

Starting school can be a big step for a child and we try to ensure that each child is helped to settle in happily and quickly. During the Summer Term, prior to entry, an evening meeting is held for parents. At this meeting, arrangements are made for the children to make visits to school to meet the teacher and other children in their class. Our Friends of Frenchay representative, Head Teacher and afterschool club representatives will also attend the parents meeting to answer any questions that may arise.
As part of our induction process the children are invited to a range of sessions to help them settle in. These include stay and play, story time and a Teddy Bear's Picnic. Visits for the family with the teacher and teaching assistant are made at the start of the Autumn term are also part of our induction policy. Parents have told us that they find these visits very helpful. Children who attend the local pre-schools are also invited to the school on a group visit with their pre-school teachers, and the class teacher will visit the nursery/pre-school where possible.

These induction arrangements give children an opportunity to become familiar with the teacher and the school surroundings. It is also an opportunity for parents to discuss any particular concerns or queries.

Transfer to Secondary School

In September following their eleventh birthday, children move to secondary school. Information related to school transfer at eleven years old is detailed by the Local Authority on a dedicated website, live from September each year. All applications for Secondary school places need to be made by 31st October when the child is in year 6. 

For more information on school admissions you can contact South Gloucestershire Council

Believe, Belong, Become
Taken from Hebrews 10:24-25
‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds’