

The Governing Body
The Governing Body works with the school’s Senior Leadership team and Staff to ensure all children gain the best educational opportunities possible.  The Governing Body is responsible for:
  • Managing the school’s budget.
  • Ensuring there is a balanced and broad curriculum.
  • Reporting on the standards being achieved.
  • Appointment of senior staff.
  • Developing and maintaining a strategic vision in line with our distinctive Christian, caring environment and school values.
The governing body has a statutory responsibility to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school and its curriculum.
The role of the governor is a voluntary one and we have parents, staff and members of the community represented on our governing body. Governors visit the school during the year and attend school events to celebrate students’ achievements.

Mr Dave Williams

Chair of Governors

I’ve been a parent governor for 6 years and have one child at the school. I am an engineer at Rolls-Royce and so have a keen interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects. I chair the committee which focuses on Maths alongside working with the committee that monitor ESPG and Greater depth and I also have special roles looking after governor training, Health and Safety and Science curriculum. In my spare time I play hockey and attempt to do DIY around my home.

Mrs Shirley Allingham

Vice Chair

I have had a long and happy association with Frenchay School, beginning over thirty years ago when my daughters attended. I enjoyed a long teaching career and retired, as Deputy Head, six years ago. I am busy with three beautiful grandchildren and enjoy singing in Frenchay Church Choir and Frenchay Foxes.
It is a pleasure to work with the dedicated team of staff and governors at Frenchay.

Mrs Nicola Dawson


Ms Bethan Witherow

Staff Governor

I joined Frenchay Primary in Febuary 2018 and currently teach year 2 and 3. I have been a teacher since 2001 working in the UK and New Zealand. I have a back ground in secondary and SEN education and an MA in Educational Psychology which gives me a broad range of experience to draw from and use in classroom practise. I have a degree in Art and am passionate about creative education, all areas of the arts and design, ideal for my role as Creative Learning Journey Leader. I have 2 primary aged children. In my spare time I enjoy print making and illustration.

Dr Anglea Greenwood

Foundation Governor

I have been a Foundation Governor of Frenchay Primary School since 2019. My role is to help oversee the distinctive Christian character of the school and act as a link with St John the Baptist church. My husband & I are members of the church & I regularly sing in the choir. Before retirement I was in education for 35 years, 16 of them as a head teacher. I have also been involved in teacher training and as a ‘Visiting Fellow’ at Bristol University where I was the Headteacher researcher on a national education project. I hold a Doctorate in Education Management from Bristol University. In retirement I have been a trustee of several charities. I currently sing in a number of choirs and also work as a volunteer guide & trainer at Westonbirt Arboretum.

Mr Geoffrey Pinner
Mr Michael Backett

Deputy Head - Co-opted Governor

I joined Frenchay Primary school in September 2018 as Deputy Head Teacher. Prior to this I work at Cyril Jackson Primary School in Tower Hamlets, London. I worked there for 5 years as Phase Leader and Assistant Head Teacher (assessment). Before Cyril Jackson, I worked for 5 year at West Ham Church Primary School. Through my time teaching I have taught in years 1-6. I thoroughly believe that every child should be pushed to achieve to their full potential in every lesson.
I am married with two young children and in my spare time love playing and watching a variety of sports.

Mrs Kim Langbridge
Mr Mark Ashby

Parent Governor

I have two sons at Frenchay, one in KS1 and another in KS2. I look forward to supporting the school in the transition to our new site, and maintaining the community ethos and inclusion of all children as the school grows over the coming years.

Outside of my school governor role I work in banking, bringing commercial and governance experience including the need to balance difficult decisions with the needs of vulnerable groups and the wider community.

Mr Trevor Jones

LA Representative Governor

I have been a Governor at Frenchay Primary since 2006, having first become a School Governor in Bristol in January 1988!
I became a South Gloucestershire Councillor in 2007, taking a Spokeperson role for Children and Young People
I retired from the Transplant Service in September 2009, after 32 years.
My wife and I have two daughters, the elder one, who services the trains in Scotland, recently presented us with our first grandchild.

Believe, Belong, Become
Taken from Hebrews 10:24-25
‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds’